8 Circuit Yoga Podcast | Episode 7 - Non-Local, The 8th Circuit

8 Circuit Yoga Podcast | Episode 7 - Non-Local, The 8th Circuit

Episode 1 - Introduction

8 Circuit Yoga is framework we can use to transform the mundane Status Quo into something transcendent. We can root our personalities in something deeper within. An experience of Circuit 8 involves the experience of going outside of the human body. Mentions: Raymond Moody, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Lisa Smart, Viktor Frankl, Ramana Maharshi, Nisagardatta Maharaj, Ram Dass, Meher Baba and Neem Karoli Baba.

In this video, Xavier discusses:

-Attributes of a Circuit 8 activation


-Out of body experiences

-Near death experiences

-Zen enlightenment


-Tree of life

-True Love

8 Circuit Yoga video lectures can be found here.

8 Circuit Yoga Podcast | Episode 8 - What's Next?

8 Circuit Yoga Podcast | Episode 8 - What's Next?

8 Circuit Yoga Podcast | Episode 6 - Alchemical Co-Creation, The 7th Circuit

8 Circuit Yoga Podcast | Episode 6 - Alchemical Co-Creation, The 7th Circuit