8 Circuit Yoga Podcast | Episode 6 - Alchemical Co-Creation, The 7th Circuit

8 Circuit Yoga Podcast | Episode 6 - Alchemical Co-Creation, The 7th Circuit

Episode 1 - Introduction

8 Circuit Yoga is framework we can use to transform the mundane Status Quo into something transcendent. We can root our personalities in something deeper within. Mentions: C.G. Jung, Wolfgang Pauli, Zhuangzi, Marie-Louise von Franz, Jordan Peterson, Aleister Crowley, Ramana Maharshi, A Course in Miracles, and Neem Karoli Baba.

In this video, Xavier discusses:

-Unus Mundus

-The Tao

-Inappropriate Circuit 7 activations: NLP, Magick, Positive Psychology, Jordan Peterson


-The Self


-The Anthropos

-The Sacred Marriage

-Circuit 7 Choice

-Christian New Thought

-A Course in Miracles

-Bodhisattva and Hanuman

8 Circuit Yoga video lectures can be found here.

8 Circuit Yoga Podcast | Episode 7 - Non-Local, The 8th Circuit

8 Circuit Yoga Podcast | Episode 7 - Non-Local, The 8th Circuit

8 Circuit Yoga Podcast | Episode 5 - The numinous transition from C6 to C7

8 Circuit Yoga Podcast | Episode 5 - The numinous transition from C6 to C7