8 Circuit Yoga Podcast | Episode 2 - The Status Quo
8 Circuit Yoga is framework we can use to transform the mundane Status Quo into something transcendent. We can root our personalities in something deeper within. Mentions: Gurdjieff, Robotic Life, Shaun of the Dead Zombies, Vampires, C.G. Jung, Gabor Mate, Christina Grof, Buddha, and Alain de Botton.
In this video, Xavier discusses:
-Circuit 1: Basic Orientation - Imprinting, World is Safe or Unsafe, Attachments.
-Circuit 2: Emotional Politics - Hierarchy & Status, Transactional Analysis.
-Circuit 3: Linguistic Reality - Symbolic Language, Time-Binding.
-Circuit 4: Socio-Sexual Persona - Sexual Imprints, Rules, and Shame
-How the Status Quo turns our lives into empty mundane, robotic, and vampiric lives