The sun can give heat and light to the whole world, but it cannot do so when the clouds shut out its rays.
Observing one’s heartbeat like watching a bird flutter it’s wings or water flow down a stream...both alive and somehow silent at the same time
The demand for permanent pleasure is the cause of humanity’s misery
I and my disciples whom you say have not been baptized have been immersed in waters of eternal life.
-Jesus of Nazareth from Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 840, 7b-45
Wherever there are two, they are not without God; and wherever there is one alone, I say I am with him. Raise the stone and there thou shalt find me; cleave the wood, and there am I.
-Jesus of Nazareth Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1
If the Goddess were to leave the God, the God would be a corpse
- Debashish Banerji
We look for the Secret - the Philosopher's Stone, the Elixir of the Wise, Supreme Enlightenment, 'God' or whatever...and all the time it is carrying us about...It is the human nervous system itself.
-Robert Anton Wilson
When you go out into the woods and you look at the trees, you see all these different trees.
And some of them are bent…you sort of understand that it didn’t get enough light, so it turned that way.
And you don’t get all emotional about it.
You just allow it.
The minute you get near humans, you lose all that….
so I practice turning people into trees, which means appreciating them just the way they are.
-Ram Dass
No problems, only solutions.
Satori finds a meaning hidden in our daily concrete experiences, such as eating, drinking, or business of all kinds. The meaning revealed is not something added from the outside - it is from being itself.
- D.T. Suzuki
If Jung is correct, the world around you right now presents itself as an integrated whole. More over it has a message.
Conforming to the divine will I live for mankind, not only for myself, and whoever understands this message contained in and conveyed by my writing will also live for me.
-C.G. Jung
And now it never for a moment occurs to us that the divine might be suffering, aching from our neglect; that the sacred desperately longs for our attention far more than we in some occasional, unconscious spasm might feel a brief burst of embarrassed longing for it.
-Peter Kingsley
the physical world organizes itself also according to archetypally determined relationships of meaning
-Kastrup on Jung’s metaphysics
What good is it to me if Mary gave birth to the Son of God hundreds of years ago, if I do not give birth to the Son of God in my time and my culture. We are all meant to be Mothers of God, for God is always needing to be born.
Not all problems need to be solved
Meditation is the cornerstone of mysticism
- Herbert V. Guenther
When still water by the wind is stirred,
it takes the shape and texture of a rock
When the deluded are disturbed by interpretative thoughts,
that which is as yet unpatterned turns very hard and solid
-Tibetan Samputa
You learn how to suffer. If you know how to suffer, you suffer much, much less. And then you know how to make good use of suffering to create joy and happiness
The art of happiness and the art of suffering always go together.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Mankind has forgotten how to think symbolically
- C.G. Jung
By opening the iron lock on the door mystery
You will come across the treasure of your existential reality energy
-Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche
Call: O great divine beloved Soul (goddess Nut) come to me.
Response: Behold I am behind thee, I am thy temple, thy mother, forever and forever.
-inscription on an Egyptian sarcophagus housed at the Louvre in Paris.
See God in everyone. It is deception to teach by individual differences and karma
- Neem Karoli baba
Don’t believe everything you think
- Thubten Chodron
A quiet mind is all you need. All else will happen once your mind is quiet
Nisargardatta Maharaj
I am the vine, ye are the branches
- John 15:5
I and my disciples whom you say have not been baptized have been immersed in waters of eternal life.
-Jesus of Nazareth from Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 840, 7b-45
Wherever there are two, they are not without God; and wherever there is one alone, I say I am with him. Raise the stone and there thou shalt find me; cleave the wood, and there am I.
-Jesus of Nazareth Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1